
Are you going to take the ENEM? Discover 10 films to help you choose a profession



This Sunday the 21st, thousands of students from across the country will take the first ENEM test, the National High School Exam. Since college is essential to building a professional career and the choices made at this age will have an impact on the type of job that the young person can obtain in the future, it is essential to know the trades well. To help you better choose the profession you can exercise, here are 10 films that present 10 types of inspiring careers. Good proof!

10 – Spotlight on Revealed Secrets – Journalism

Anyone interested in studying journalism, “Spotlight: Secrets Revealed,” available on Amazon Prime, is a great tip for understanding how investigative professionals end up stumbling upon stories, and due to the unexpected nature of these findings, they end up having to explore themes that often require individual sacrifices in order to reveal a terrible truth for the benefit of society.

9 – Stomach – head

If you’re one of those people who, during your time of social isolation, found out that you have great cooking skills, “Stomach,” available on Netflix, is a great tip to inspire you. The Brazilian feature film addresses precisely this moment of discovering the talent of a man, who, because of it, ends up getting better job opportunities.

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8 – Monalisa’s smile – teacher

For those who are going to pass the entrance exam to the Faculty of Letters, the feature film ‘O Sorriso de Monalisa’, available on HBO Max, is a film that makes you embrace a career. Starring Julia Roberts, it chronicles the impact of a teacher in a girls-only school and how education changes lives.

7 – Patch Adams – doctor

Starring the late Robin Williams, “Patch Adams” tells the true story of a doctor who understood that joy and humor help improve the hospital environment and even cure certain illnesses, transforming the hospital environment into a place where patients, despite being treated there, could feel lighter and, therefore, respond better to treatments. Available at Star +.

6 – An intern – entrepreneurship / fashion

Released a few years ago, ‘Um Senhor Intern’, although telling the story of a retiree looking for an internship, also tells, in parallel, the story of Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway), a creative and dedicated young woman who, at 20 and just a few years ago, he managed to create his own fashion brand and build a small empire with his personalized entrepreneurship, building customer loyalty. Available on Netflix.

5 – Struggle for justice – Advocacy

Law films have grown a lot in recent years, especially those based on a true story, like the “Fight for Justice” case, available on HBO Max. Here, attorney Bryan (Michael B. Jordan) agrees to plead a death sentence case and discovers that the evidence in the case was based on the structural racism of American society.

4 – The theory of everything – Physics

Stephen Hawking was one of the greatest physicists of all time and his inspiring story – which incidentally resulted in a pair of golden figurines in this production – is told in this film, which bases its plot on the constant turmoil of the physicist to develop his most famous theory, which is the theory that gravitational waves are distortions in space-time and that our universe is just one of many. Available at Globoplay.

3 – Professions – IT / IT

Steve Jobs is, even today, one of the main references in the field of information technology and information technology. In this film, the viewer gets to know the more human side of the creator of Apple and how his visionary insight helped anticipate the needs of the tech market, including product aesthetics, long before consumers understood them. they would need and want these technologies. Available on Netflix.

2 – Nise: The Heart of Madness – psychiatry / psychology

One of the greatest psychiatrists in the world is Brazilian and his name is Nise da Silveira. This national report tells how Nise understood that occupational therapy is an essential form of expression for people with mental and psychological disorders, primarily through the arts, and implemented this technique in asylum treatments, humanizing mental health care. Available on Star +

1 – Babenco – Someone must listen to the heart and say: Arrested – filmmaker

Since we’re talking about contests, there’s nothing fairer than trying to get them to take the film class, after all, Cinepop is cinema. For those thinking about this career, a good tip is this fictional documentary directed by Bárbara Paz about the great director Hector Bacenco, available on Apple TV +. The feature film in black and white specifically addresses Hector’s passion and technique to transform life into a film.

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